Organised conferences and events
“Desire and pleasure,” organised with M. de Beistegui and M. Gracieuse (University of Warwick), University of Warwick, Palazzo Pesaro Papafava, Venice, 19-20 September (international conference: 10 participants from four different countries).
“Le contemporain,” organised with F. Worms and Q. Meillassoux (ENS), Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 1-2 of June (international conference: 12 participants form three different countries)
“Aging and Dying,” organised with M. de Beistegui and M. Gracieuse (University of Warwick), University of Warwick in Venice, Palazzo Pesaro Papafava, Venice, 14-15 September (international conference: 10 participants from four different countries).
“L’angle mort des années cinquante,” organised with F. Fruteau, Ecole normale supérieure/Université Sorbonne Paris 1, Paris (international conference: 12 participants from four different countries).
“The Normal and the Pathological,” organised with M. de Beistegui and M. Gracieuse (University of Warwick): University of Warwick, 28-29 September.
“Doing philosophy in Paris during the 30s: Kojève/Koyré”, organised with F. Worms (Lille 3/ENS) and V. Delacroix (EPHE), Ecole normale supérieure / Ecole pratique des hautes études, Paris, 17-18 May & 5-6 June.
“Italie et biopolitique,” round-table, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 1 December.
Form and Formalism,” organised with P. Bianchi and T. Tho (Jan van Eyck Academie): Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, 4-5 October.
“Subjectivity and Otherness: Lacan and Philosophy,” École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 12 December.
“Jean Hyppolite entre existence et structure,” conference, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 15 May.
“Jean Wahl, le multiple,” conference, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 16 April.
“Deleuze. O devir do mestre,” organised with S. Borba, W. Kohan and L. do Valle, Universidad do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 18-19 November.
Invited Lectures, talks and conferences
“An impossible dream: the end of philosophical internationalism during the interwar period.” In “Is there a European interwar intellectual history?.” Tallinn University (Estonia), 6th of June.
“Fast Concepts, Disposable Problems” – a Workshop with Giuseppe Bianco, in “The Historiography of Philosophy Working Group (CRMEP – Royal Holloway)” May 8tth, 11 Bedford Square (WC1B 3RF), London.
“Bachelard et l’émergence des sciences historiques et sociales.” Institut d’études avancées de Paris. International conference “Bachelardismes et anti-bachelardisme”, April 26th
“Esprits malades ? Le rôle de la clinique dans la philosophie du 19ème siècle.” Collège international de philosophie, February 22nd.
“La technologie philosophique de Martial Gueroult.” Collège de France, seminar “Passage des disciplines.” January 3rd.
“Médecine et philosophie pendant le 2ème Empire.” Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, December 3rd.
“Politzer, Kant et la critique.” Université de Paris 10, conference “Kant et la philosophie française du XXème siècle.” November 29th.
“Médecine et philosophie en 1880 France: Bergson, Janet et la psychologie.” EHESS, conference in the framework of the meeting of the French Society for the history of Human Sciences, 27th of September.
“The authority of the manual, the authority of the document: About the recent fashion of the archive in contemporary philosophy.” Prague, Centre culturel français, conference “Philosophy from the standpoint of its manuscripts and archives,” June 6th.
“From the free thinker to the salaried philosopher. Creating ‘philosophy’ and defending its borders during the long 19th Century”. In “On the Margins of European Philosophy.” London School of Economics. May 21st.
« Lebensphilosophie : brief history of an expression », Institute for advanced studies, Budapest, conference “Enlightenment Vitalism and its Futures.” May 24th.
“La storia del problema in filosofia.” Università di Torino, seminar “Hermenet,” May 11th.
“Philosophie de la sociologie ou sociologie de la philosophie ?” Université de Rennes, seminar “Philosophy and sociology.” 27th of February.
“Lebensphilosophie : histoire d’un mot.” Lebensphilosophie : un atlas européen, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 1st of December
“What was ‘serious philosophy according to the young Bergson ?” Nineteenth-Century French philosophy – The Spiritualist Tradition and its Critics, Manchester Metropolitan University, 15th of September.
“Bergson and the Sciences of the Psyche around 1880.” 25th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, Rio de Janeiro, 25th of July.
“O normal e o patologico na psicologia cientifica.” USP Riberao, Brazil, 4th of June.
“A criação internacional da filosofia como disciplina acadêmica: revistas, congressos e historias.” Masterclass, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 30th of March.
“From Paris to Prague and Back (1900-1937). The International Conferences of Philosophy Before and After World War I.” French Embassy, 13th of July
“Philosophy, Biology, Vitalism” in “Thinking the vital,” Potsdam University, Germany, 23 of June.
“Vérités et experiences. Oppositions structurantes dans l’histoire de l’historiographie française,” in “Historiographie de la philosophie : histoire, méthodes, pratiques,” Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, 9 June.
“Georges Canguilhem et les sciences de l’homme. La genèse de la notion de normativité vitale entre sociologie et psychologie,” in “Georges Canguilhem. Science, technique, politique : perspectives actuelles,” 22 April, Université de Liège, Belgium.
“Révolution copernicienne ou contre-révolution ptolémaïque ? Foucault, Vuillemin, Heidegger,” in Séminaire Michel Foucault, Sorbonne Paris I, Paris, France, 14 of April.
“Another World is Virtual,” in Seminar of the Program in Poetics and Theory, NYU, 5 November.
“Sociogenesis of a Creator of Concepts: Deleuze before Deleuze”, in “Theorizing Seminair,” UPenn, U.S.A., 3 November.
“O que é uma herança filosófica? O caso de Bergson, “Encontro do GT de Filosofia Francesa Contemporânea,” Unesp, São Paulo, 21-25 September.
“La sociologie comme elle s’écrit. De Bourdieu à Latour,” roundtable discussion around Jean-Louis Fabiani’s book, Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA), Paris, 19 May.
“What is Intellectual Inheritance? The Case of Bergsonism,” Seminar of the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies, NYU, 13 April.
“The Traces of the Philosophical Work. A Sociologically-Inspired Program for the History of a Discipline and Case-analysis,” Centre for Science, Technology, Society Studies at the Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences, 13 March.
“Entre finalisme et mécanisme. Le corps dans la philosophie de l’activité”, in “La tradition française de la philosophie du corps et de la vie,” Charles University, Prague, 10-12 March.
“Auteurs, concepts, écoles, héritages: l’histoire de la philosophie à l’épreuve des sciences sociales,” Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA), Paris, 18 February.
“Life of Pain. Negativity, Effort and Pathology in the young Canguilhem,” in “Canguilhem et la pensée du vivant,” Institute of philosophy, Prague, 24-25 November.
“Totaliser, dresser la carte. Trajectoire inverse (1962-1982)”, in “Alain Badiou. The Philosophy of Truths”, Istitut français de Prague, 30-31 October.
“Revolução copernicana o revolução ptolemaica? Foucault e Vuillemin,” in “Foucault e Kant - encontro de filosofia,” Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos. 25 September.
“Georges Politzer e a Critica dos fundamentos da psicologia.” Universidade de Brasilia. 13 September.
“The Context of Emergence of Deleuze’s Nietzsche”, in “Gilles Deleuze's Nietzsche and Philosophy: Fifty Years On,” University of Warwick, 4 November.
“Sur la forme congrès-international-de-philosophie,” in “L’Europe philosophique et scientifique du Congrès de Bologne (1911) à la Première guerre mondiale,” Università di Bologna Alma Mater, 18-19 October.
“Pacifisme et théorie des passions,” in “Jornada Georges Canguilhem,” USP, Sao Paulo, 4 October.
“Michel Foucault and Anthropology: Copernican or Ptolemaic revolution?,” in “Research methods in History and Philosophy of Science Seminar,” University of Ghent, Belgium, 9 May.
“Anomaly and Anormality: Canguilhem and Sociology”, in “The Anomie of the Earth,” CFP, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 3-5 May.
“Philosophy and History of Philosophy: Deleuze as a Trainee Guard of the Epistemological Borders,” in “Deleuze, Philosophy, Interdisciplinarity,” University of London (Goldsmith’s College), London, 27 January.
“Madness, Humanism, Teleology: Michel Foucault and Jean Hyppolite,” in “Anti-Hegel day,” Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 7 December.
“Intuition ou concept? Questions d’héritage,” in “Bergson/Canguilhem: deux philosophie de la vie,” Université de Clermont-Ferrand, 26 November.
“French Philosophy's Backstage,” in “French Theory in Translation. The question of the Archive,” University of Chicago, 4-6 November.
“Philosophie et histoire de philosophie. Sur Gilles Deleuze,” in “L’angle mort des années cinquante,” Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 14 October.
“Les trajectoires intellectuelles de Jean-Paul Sartre et d’Henri Lefebvre. Une mise en symétrie,” in “Situations de Sartre,” Université de Paris Ouest, Nanterre, France, 31 May.
“Les conditions de possibilité de Koyré et de Kojève,” “Philosopher à Paris dans les années 30: Kojève/Koyré,” Ecole pratique des hautes études, Paris, 17 March.
“Georges Canguilhem: from Passions to Norms,” in Post-kantian Seminar series, University of Warwick, 22 February.
Respondent to Frédéric Keck, “Risk as an Operator of Anthropization in Claude Lévi-Strauss and Arnold Gehlen,” in “The Knowledge of Life and the Question of Human Nature,” Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, 26 November.
“Bergson professeur de la République,” in “Henri Bergson, professeur,” Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 22 November.
“Reflexivity 2: Georges Politzer between Psychology and Philosophy,” in “Versus Laboratory,” Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, 14 November.
“Il giovane Sartre, Bergson, lo spiritualismo. Questioni di metodo,” in “Sartre e la Critica della ragione dialettica. Tradizione ed effetti,” Trieste University, 4 October.
“Gilles Deleuze tra liceo e avant-garde,” in postgraduate seminar of Palermo University, , Palermo, 1st October.
“Reflexivity 1: Pierre Bourdieu between Sociology and Philosophy,” in “Versus Laboratory,” Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, 27 May.
“Transitions et transferts : littérature, clinique et philosophie en France pendant les années vingt,” in “De la littérature comme expérience de pensée”, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, 19 Mai.
“Georges Canguilhem: From Passions to Norms,” in “New York Area Group in European Intellectual and Cultural History seminar,” The CUNY Graduate Center, New York, 18 February.
“Où allait la psychologie concrète ?,” in “La philosophie de Georges Politzer,” École normale supérieure, Paris, 13 February.
“From life to third person,” in “Opening week,” Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, 1 December.
“Italie et biopolitique,” in “Italie et biopolitique,” École normale supérieure, Paris, 30 November.
“Dalle passioni alle norme: medicina, etica e politica secondo Alain e secondo Canguilhem,” in “Biologie filosofiche,” Bologna University, 12 November.
“Pacifisme et théorie des passions. Alain et Canguilhem,” in “Alain entre philosophie et littérature,” Paris i Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Paris, 17 October.
Respondent to J. Williams, A. Sauvagnargues, P. Montebello papers, in “Between Deleuze and Simondon,” Warwick University in Venice, Palazzo Pesaro Papafava, Venice, 18 September.
“Philosophie et avant-gardes, le cas de Marinetti,” in “Marinetti et le futurisme,” Centre Culturel Italien, Paris, 4 January.
“La norme entre social et vital,” in “Université Européenne d’Eté 2006 OFFRES,” Saranda, Albania. 13 September.
“Bergson as a PH Paper. Bergsonism in French Philosophy’s Solution,” in “Bergson and Bergsonism Workshop,” French Institute, London, 4 April.
“Uno strutturalismo virtuale. Il Bergson di Deleuze tra esistenza e struttura,” in “Deleuze e il canone. La storia della filosofia come divenire del pensiero,” Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, Bologna, 10 October.
“Action organique et organes techniques. L’évolution créatrice dans le moment de la guerre,” in “Ateliers Euro-japonais sur l’Evolution Créatrice de Bergson”, Université de Toulouse II Le Mirail, Toulouse, 19 April.
“Le problème et les problèmes,” internal seminar of CIEPFC, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 21 November.
“La force de la force et la force du droit. Bergson et le problème de la démocratie,” in “Université Européenne d’Eté 2006 du réseau OFFRES,” Université de Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie, 8 September.
“Tu quoque Brutus, mi fili? Hyppolite and sons,” in “Jean Hyppolite entre existence et structure,” École normale supérieure, Paris, 15 May.
“Jean Wahl séparé,” in “Citéphilo,” Lille, 23 November.
“Expérience et concept,” in “Université Européenne d’Eté 2006 OFFRES,” Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 9 July.
“Philosophies du et. Que se passe-t-il entre (Wahl et Deleuze)?,” in “Jean Wahl. Le multiple,” Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 16 April.
“Pédagogie du concept et concept pédagogique,” in “Deleuze : o divir do mestre,” Universidad do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Brazil, 17 November.
“Multiples et multiplicités dans le moment 2000 en philosophie,” in “Bergson et la science,” Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Nice, 16 May.